841 Rathdowne Street
Carlton North 3054
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Psychiatrist with a specialist interest in the treatment of over 60-year-olds

Dr Liam Nalder
MBBS; BMedSci; MPsych; FRANZCP (Cert POA)
Liam is a consultant psychiatrist who offers outpatient assessment and treatment for adults aged over 60 presenting with a broad range of mental health conditions.
He completed his medical training at The University of Melbourne and subsequently pursued specialty training in psychiatry via Austin Health and The Royal Melbourne Hospital. After attaining fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists he subsequently undertook an eighteen month clinical research fellowship at Imperial College London.
Liam enjoys working across a variety of settings and has a public hospital appointment at Austin Health alongside his private work. He also works for The University of Melbourne teaching doctors in training to be psychiatrists via the masters of psychiatry program.
Liam utilises a biopsychosocial approach to help adults over the age of 60 experiencing a range of psychiatric issues and psychological concerns including mood, anxiety, adjustment and cognitive disorders.